MDWIX Suggests the Best Practices to be successful in academics.
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Every parents hope their child might be an obedient and successful fellow. But most of the parents are being hopeless with the performance of their kids. So the parents need to carefully observe their kids and evaluate their career performance. According to their progress of behavioral index, they need to route as per MDWIX Guide. It is more important to be good human over a good students. I Md Kamaluddin, myself was a medium category student but I became so called successful with some of my good habits and still I am lagging for some of my bad habits. In this context I am highlighting all these factors of good and bad patches in students and professional life. This article is a collage of real facts to my personal life analogy. I have completed Bachelor in Engineering. I am now working as a manager in Sagardighi Thermal Power Plant. I feel satisfied with my position and post as I have got my assignment as per my education. This is because I have done some good things in my academic session. But I feel disappointed when either see my junior from my college sit on the chair as my boss or my college mates command me to follow their instruction. This is happening for some bad things in my academic or professional career. First I am telling the good habits I posed and every good students need to achieve to get success in his life and career.
1) Regular & Consistent: We were three friends, Myself Kamal, Manir, and Jasim. We never casually missed our classes however the bad situation came. There were many days in times of rainy days or general strike days, we, three were present in the class among the limited inmates including the teachers. Thus we were able to take all the lesson throughout years. It helped us to have contemporary tuition.
2) Be attentive & Concentrated: I was a loveable student to all my teachers as I paid my attention to the lecture given my teacher. It was more amazing session when our history teacher, Mr. Pankaj Sadhu gave lecture on any of the historic phenomenon. Then he asked us what we realized of the factor. Very interestingly I recapitulated the event and eloquently expressed myself. This way I prepared my next day task. Our mathematics teacher Mr. Sk. Israfil had elaborately described the derivation of all rule and formula and gave us extensively problem solving session. Thus we did not need for private tutor.
3) Proper Time Management: There are class routine in every class. From the class five standard to ten standard there were six to seven periods of total six hours session. Another six hours were arranged to be deployed for home work. So we were ready to manage the evening session and early morning session. Since I had no private tutor at home so I whole heartedly depended on my class teacher. They were also happy to help me. I also realized and appreciated their noble desire to help me. I always tried to be prepared in every classes. If I did not cover any of the subject on day basis, I still tried to be prepared until the session started.
4) Organise Study Ambience: There is a term 5S that designates for work place management. These are Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu and Shitsuke. These mean your surrounding must be clean & well arranged. It can give good aesthetics of study ambience. It minimizes the searching time that is the most non-productive subject in the world. Keeping right thing is in right place is a well habit. The indexing of the books and copies properly helps to find the right topics on need mainly in the times of examination session. Standardization the practice and maintain everyday is key of success.
5) Reading Eagerness : Before starting of the new session or semester there are some idle time as holiday. Consider myself to be promoted in the next class, I arranged the old books from the senior students and started to nurture with next class session. Most interesting I completed one fifth of the curriculum. It helped me to better understanding while it was actually discussed in the class. It also helped to ask various question about the topics.
6) Note Keeping & Asking Help: The whole topics can be split into pieces. Grasp the gist of the topics and make some concise notes. Seek help from the fellow students or class teacher to Criticise your preparedness. By good luck we were five brothers and three sisters. So each of us had one or more elder siblings to get help in any context. My elder brother, Md Jalaluddin & Md Ekramuddin helped me immensely. Both were later became science graduate. I was taught mathematics by Md Ekramuddin.
7) Set Goal & Motivate Yourself: Primary goal is to be successful in career in the competitive world and earn a respectable earning for a well managed lifestyle. So everyone should have a target of good scoring. I personally thought my study session to split into three segment. One is daily that is included the daily class work and assignment fulfillment. Second one is recapitulation of the past one & third one is the galloping of upcoming topics.
8) Be Self Reliant & Confident: Whatever the assignment comes to me I will exhale something respectable. So basic of any subjects must be grasped. This is only possible by through reading of any subject. So every passage must be passed through. In my case I was a self taught student. I went through any subject with my own. I tried to inculcate the subject myself and any doubt I felt was cleared by my brother or my school teacher. Then I continued solving various problem.
9) Being Honest & Disciplined: Education is the manure to grow us as a good human being. It is the way to express ourselves to be completed. One should have the definite object and goal to reach in reality so what we are doing that must be real and authentic. It need an honest nurturing of the whole subject. What we think to achieve can only be achieved by our self propelled and disciplined thought and execution.
10) Caring of Health & Fitness: Nothing is achievable beyond our physical existence. We achieve and enjoy the success subject to our good physical and mental well being. So we must maintain our health. Attention, concentration and focus to study are highly dependent upon regular physical exercise and adequate sleep. Rising early from bed and going to open field to suck the fresh breathiness adds enthusiasm to our daily work out. Eating healthy and natural foods enriches us with freshness. Going to bed early helps to improve the mental health.
Up to ten standard I personally followed up the above said guidelines. Consequently I got several awards and recognition form district school administration. I got national rural scholarship from class eighth. After that I got star marks in matriculate board examination. Everything was prestigious for my hard work. Then I was admitted to urban school.
After leaving my home one thing I realized that financial resource was also a key factor to be success in career. Compensating to meagre monetary resources I became the victim of inferior complex and awful not to sustain to the competitive world. I started to talk negative to myself. I sometimes thought I was wasting my parent's hard earned money. I lost the self confidence over education. From my early concept of through reading was a major drawback to make my study material organized. I could not cover all my subjects myself. Classes are not consistent in Higher secondary School. All the students prepared in the home tuition. At the mess or hostel, all the work including washing cloths, taking foods, arranging breakfast, evening snacks had been maintained myself. Finally I got 10% less of earlier grade in higher secondary. I realised some of the bad things that good students must avoid. The most cursive habits are neglecting self esteem, procrastination, poor time management, lack of hope & interest, demotivated by social gossiping, multi tasking, plagiarism or cheating, lack of self confidence and quitting from situation of challenging. Some of the bad patches affected me also. Then I started to move forward with self motivation. Till then I lost two years from my life dictionary. I again woke up to move forward. But I was always felt distressed of monetary plague. I started to prepare for my engineering career. I have no course material as I haven't interested to enroll in any coaching center as of financial inadequacy. I sat for engineering entrance examination . First attempt I had not get qualified for government institution. I insisted to get admission in private institute but parents told me their inability to afford the cost. I was highly disappointed. Again I started my preparation. Thus I lost two years and got JEE rank in the year 2000. I admitted to Jalpaiguri govt. Engineering College that was also against my father's desire. So it was more challenging for me. All the four year I was in fear of fail in my challenges. I was in highly penetrating situation when my family needed money from me. I went to Gurgaon automobile hub for an earning opportunity. After four years I applied for government jobs in WBPDCL. I was offered a job but till then I found my fellow students are already in higher capacity. I repent on me with love to myself. There are some miserable miracles in everyone's life.
Author: Md Kamaluddin
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