What is Real Friendship| MDWIX Moral Story| Friend in Need| Friend indeed| A Short Story With a Moral Message

Friend in Need, Friend indeed. A Short Story with a moral Value. How he revived with his real friend in need friend indeed.

Amit Bansal is the Chief of a renowned multi national company. Being the apex of an organization he is happy in his personal life as well his professional career. He has a great and pleasant personality. 

He can easily manage everything, whatever the situation he face, can be resulted a very good climax. Besides his business, he is more active socially. As a social worker he helped a lot of people who come to him for a help or suggestion. If someone came to him with an angry attitude, he becomes fuse to his very calm & positive inspiration. 
At the age of fifty, he was suffering from a kidney infection, facing a acute pain while he was conferencing in a annual general meeting of social club. He was taken to hospital for a treatment. After an intensive diagnosis it was found, he had kidney failure. Ninety percentage of both kidney severely damaged. It needed immediate kidney transplantation, otherwise it was very hard to survive. To make arrangement for a kidney donor as he was o negative blood. It is a very rare blood group. Every second pushed him to a scary zone. Doctors every breath made an alarm for him for an immediate organ transplant. But Amit helplessly starred to all his surroundings so that any one could give him a chance of survive. But all in vein, none could give a hope of life. He looked around the walls of his cabin. None was pleasing for him. He subconsciously sank to the golden memories of the school. He inculcated himself, "That was a time all we felt harmony, we grew together sharing everything among us with oneness. Time made us divided to think only us." He dubiously immersed to hostel days in College. Amit clearly heard the, " Who will go to hospital to give a new life to the young lady suffering acute anemia. Give her your precious blood so she laugh." He told silently, " I responded to the call to give my blood. I hope some angel definitely will come as savior." The call of eternal world was beeping frequently to his ear," You have no more time." All his office staff tried their best but they were helpless. One of his staff placed an advertisement seeking a noble donor.

     Varun Mishra is a typical news reader. He woke up to the paper boy knocking to his door bell. He waited for the first news. He took his brush in one hand & the news paper in other hand. Within two hrs. he grasped all the rows & column. At last of the advertiser space he read," One need a kidney donor with O negative blood group." Varun was not much thought about first but he was reminded the name, Amit Bansal. Looked deeply to the Photo of the man in need. He faintly saw, "It is his classmate, Amit Bansal." He then completely reminisced his college days. Amit was a brilliant student, everyone praised him. He stood first every classes. Varun was a middle category student, he got many help in studying. Both were passed out college. Varun joined in coal mine as a technical supervisor & worked for twenty years. Continual working in the dusty area, Varun was clawed by pulmonary clogging diseases. He had an acute asthma with severe breathing problem. He was loosing hope in life. He said himself," Both of us have crisis, if I share one of my kidney to him, at least he can live for some days." Coincidentally he was o negative blood group. Varun took his phone and called to the advertiser, unanimously told " I am interest to donate one of my kidney. Just make a call on your readiness." That was a faint ray of hope to Amit, told to doctor, "God sent his angel as savior, I can alive few days more. Please arrange for my surgery."

    Amit had passed through a successful surgery. He could not know the stranger who gave him a new life. He felt a wellness. After a week he was released from hospital. 
He was sitting in his garden thinking, "The world is still full of kindness." He became emotional & felt the urge to call his savior. He rang the blessed phone number. The call was received but it was not that voice. A teenager girl told, " Dad died just a week ago in a severe respiratory failure after coming from a unknown outing." Amit expressed, " oh my god!  I can't believe it. Please tell your home address. He noted down." Next morning Amit reached to their home. On the corridor he noticed the photo frame garlanded with the last farewell. It was not hard to identify Varun, his real friend.
Amit told the widow, Varun's wife, " If you don't mind, I offer your daughter a secretariat job in my company." Mrs. Mishra was happy & let her daughter join in his company.

Moral of the story: Friend in need real friend indeed

Author: Md Kamaluddin

Tags: #Moralstories, #Short Story, #Literature, #Folktales, #LifeStyle, #MDWIX #Media.

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